Wednesday 3 June 2009


One of the most difficult things to do when training is to know when to take a break. Leave it too late and you run the risk of being burned out, which as I've found in the past means that you are pretty ineffective for at least a week. Which is why I decided to listen to my body at the end of yesterday's ride and take a few days off over the next week.

It wasn't the nagging feeling of heavy legs when setting off for a long ride that prompted the idea of a rest, nor was it the feeling of queasiness in my stomach on the final climb of the day up to Box Hill. It wasn't even the exhaustion that overwhelmed me when I got home after the 70 mile ride, having been towed the last 10 miles home by a clubmate. No, it was a point about 30 miles into the ride through stunning Surrey countryside, in the most perfect of weather, when I looked around and thought "you know, I'd rather be doing something else".

It happens once in a while and is always a sign that I am in need of a physical break from cycling. Sure enough, as the ride went on my legs got progressively heavier, I had no zip, no zing, no need for speed, hell I couldn't even be bothered to keep up with my clubmate on the climbs, even though he was taking it easy! I had other things on my mind too, like waiting to hear if I'll be called back for another interview for a job I'm particularly keen to get, so to say I was distracted is probably an understatement.

So the plan is Wednesday (today) rest, Thursday Hog Hill (just because I have the offer of a lift there!), Friday a very easy 1hr spin, Saturday and Sunday no riding at all (watching the Smithfield Nocture on Sat), Monday easy spin with a few hard-ish efforts, Tuesday Palace, Wednesday (maybe) Eelmore. A very different week - unstructured with plenty of relaxing, punctuated by the odd race. Can't wait!

I've never attended the Nocturne before and will be really interested to see how the bunches cope with the tight circuit around Smithfield Market - one of my favourite parts of the city. The forecast is heavy showers too, but hopefully there won't be too many incidents. There are quite a few Dynamos in the womens, support and elite races so I shall be trying to get plenty of good snaps. And my guess (and it really is a guess!) for the winner of the elite crit? I'm going to go for Dean Downing. We'll see...

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